I'm Matthew J. Morrison.

A Passionate, professional software developer & hobbyist; Language nerd & regular user of Unix, Python, Ruby & JavaScript.

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Monolithic code is one of the many enemies of clean code. When I say, “monolithic code”, I’m referring to a few different things. A system that does absolutely everything with very few or no external dependencies A system that lives on a single machine and/or uses a single database or data store A system that resides entirely in a single source control tree (or no source control at all - gasp!) A system written entirely in a single language (excluding typical web languages like HTML/CSS/Javascript/XML/JSON/…) Ideally, an application will meet all of these criteria. A system however ideally would not. When I refer to an application I’m talking about some piece of software with a single purpose that can stand on it’s own whereas when I refer to a system I’m talking about software that has many features and a higher level purpose. For example maybe I have a system for social networking, one application in that system might be instant messaging. The terms “system” and “application” can be used a lot of different ways, so I hope that helps to clarify how I am going to be using them.

Monolithic code is a smell that I’ve been emitting a large majority of my career. In the past few months I’ve been trying to break this habit. Here are some of the reasons that I’ve found monolithic code to be a smell and what I’ve done or what I would like to do to help remedy it.

I think a very common situation is that a company or an architecture team will choose a technology stack and stick to it come hell or high water. I’m going to pick on COBOL and Z/OS, first of all because it’s easy, secondly because this is a widely used technology stack in business today, although most likely not a very appropriate platform for most modern systems.

In the situation where we are running COBOL on a Z/OS mainframe, we are completely tied down to a specific vendor, some specific hardware, a specific OS and a specific language. This is a very monolithic architecture. I think it is fair to say that this technology stack is still so prevalent because it is so monolithic there is no easy way to gradually move away from it. I think there are a lot of businesses that are being held back by their commitment to this technology. They are so invested in it that there is not much they can do, it is not feasible to ask them to just scrap their entire system and start over. Even if they did, they would most likely end up committed to a more current but equally monolithic technology. Because it is familiar to them, it is what they know and they’re used to. “Learn one thing, learn it well, and use it for everything”, would be their battle cry as they march on to slaughter. (joking…sort of)

When you find yourself in this predicament, something has gone wrong. You are less able to easily adapt. You can still continue to deliver value to your customer, but at what cost? How easy is it to deliver highly available web applications when you’re tied down to a single physical mainframe? You’re going to have to build layers on top of the mainframe in order to make that work, which further couples you to the mainframe and gets you deeper into the problem. With all of the buzz about “the cloud” these days and all of the benefits, it sounds insane to balance your entire system on a single point no matter how fast or stable it may be. If you do, then you need to have some kind of process in place to handle power outages, freak accidents (like somebody accidentally cutting through a T1 line), natural disasters, etc.

Say you have all of those process in place, where are you spending your money? Are you spending money adding value to your business or are you spending it on trying to protect your huge monolithic basket full of eggs (or jars or gems). It seems to me like that money would have been better spent trying to advance and improve rather building a bunker around your monolithic system and even further committing to it.

Wouldn’t approaching a new feature request as if you could open up your tool box and choose the best tool for the job, make the world a better place to code? Let’s take our mainframe scenario again. We’ve got a massive mainframe based system and tons of data stored in DB2. We have a new feature request to have a customer contact management application so that internal employees can keep track of customer phone numbers, addresses and whatnot. We already have almost everything we need in some DB2 tables, but we will need to add a few columns, and update a few COBOL programs and add some new fields to some CICS screens.

Yuck, I already don’t want to do it. I can’t very easily pawn this off on some newbie right out of college either. What are the odds that they know how to add a field to a CICS screen? What is the point in training them to do this? People don’t want to use these screens anymore, developers (especially newer developers) do not want to continue coding them, so why should we continue to create and maintain them? If I used Ruby on Rails I could meet the business’s needs and give them a nice new, web based, and mobile friendly application to work with.

Using Rails’ scaffolding, I could generate a large majority of the application without having to really write much code at all. So, what if instead of enhancing the COBOL program, the DB2 tables and the CICS screens, what if we just used Rails and built a web based application that meets the immediate needs of the current feature request? Then, instead of further coupling ourselves to the mainframe we could move to a more appropriate platform that is easier to maintain and more user, and developer, friendly. That sounds nice.

But now we have a problem, we have existing COBOL programs that need that data and we’re taking it away from the mainframe. Yes, yes we are. It’s got to happen at some point. The monolithic mainframe is not an agile place to be. If we need to be able to adapt to changes in our business and changes in technology we need to have some flexibility. We need to have independent applications that can talk to each-other, not one system that just knows everything. A system that knows everything is dangerous because it is brittle. If it does everything then changing something could break anything (not to mention the whole skynet thing). If the mainframe needs the data from our Rails app, it is going to have to come and get it.

That problem can be solved in a lot of different ways. While none are probably ideal, I know that the user will appreciate the ability to pull up a website on their phone and get an immediate response vs. having to dial into the mainframe and pulling up a CICS screen in order to get a customer’s phone number or work with some slow and unstable layered web framework built on top of the mainframe.

What if we would instead just build a Rails application that access the data already on the mainframe. That could also work. We now have some CICS screens that we can throw away, but we still need to update some COBOL programs and now we will have to update Ruby code as well. So our new single purposed web application whose sole reason for existing is to maintain contact information isn’t the authoritative source for that information. We’ve just created a very un-DRY situation. Sure, we’re moving away from the mainframe… on the surface, but underneath we are just as coupled to it as ever, maybe even more so. Now we’ve got COBOL code and Ruby code that is 100% dependent on the mainframe. Just bite the bullet and cut the tie, it will be better for everyone.

Let’s turn that around now, let’s say that we’ve got some existing massive Ruby on Rails system and our customer comes to us with the same feature request as before. After thinking about it for a few minutes, lets say that we decide that Ruby on Rails is the technology choice that we should continue to use. We could very easily generate a new application in our existing Rails project and get this thing done and working, but wait… how is this any different than our monolithic mainframe? We’ve got a single code base, a single platform, we’re deploying to a single server and using a single database. We are still stuck in a place that is not very easy to adapt to technology changes. What happens when we look at Rails 6 and decide that it is just massively overcomplicated and full of stuff that we do not want or need and it no longer aligns with our technology radar?

To avoid getting stuck in this situation, I would say that rather than just adding a new application to an existing project, just create a new project. A new server, new database, and a nice clean API for our existing system. Now we’re completely decoupled from our monolithic system and can be more adaptive if/when it comes to that. We can easily swap out the new Rails project for something written in Clojure as long as we keep the API the same, it doesn’t matter.

Of course, not all applications should have every single individual component live on a separate server with a web service API, that would be ridiculous. However, I do think that each individual component should not share the same source control tree. The API to that component can be whatever is appropriate, it doesn’t matter. Maybe we wrote this contact management application in Ruby. Why don’t we just bundle it into a gem and use that gem in our Rails application. If and when the time comes (and we’re using jRuby) we could potentially re-write that component in Scala or some other JVM friendly language. We are still coupled to our monolithic system, but less so, because now our code lives by itself, it can be maintained independently and re-used elsewhere.

To sum it all up, here is what I recommend:

keep each self-standing component in it’s own source tree. Don’t deploy everything to the same hardware Don’t use the same database for everything Don’t use the same technology stack (including language) for everything

Having recommended that, I can’t honestly say that I recommend it because I’ve done it and it works. But in theory, this is where I want to be. In practice I have definitely seen success in keeping separate components in separate source control repositories.

Keeping components in their own separate source control repository does a few different things that I really like. It makes you really think about your code in terms of a stand alone library instead of just being a buried piece of a system. That alone has made my APIs much cleaner anit a reusable library, but I end up seeing re-usable pieces in working code that can be extracted into a library, and hopefully contribute it back to the open source community.

In a recent project my pair and I wrote a proof-of-concept application, then started over test driving the entire thing into a nice little stand-alone application. When we were done we extracted one part into a separate project and open sourced it. Shortly after that, we had a new feature request and we extracted yet another project from our original and the same thing happened another time, a new feature comes along and we extract another project so we can re-use it. All in all we ended up with five different open source libraries that are completely decoupled and reusable. Almost all of which we are using in at least two different applications in our system.

Just to drive home the benefit of extracting re-usable components into separate projects, the first additional feature request, from a user story perspective, was a significantly larger undertaking than the original. However, we realized that we had already built all of the infrastructure needed by the second feature when we implemented the first feature. All of that infrastructure was buried in the first feature though, so we had a choice. Either we completely combine the first and second feature into a monolith or extract what is common and have each feature use that as a dependency. We extracted the common code into it’s own library, and created a library for the first feature and a library for the second feature. Now we are positioned very well for the future. If another similar feature comes along, we should be able to implement it extremely quickly with very little risk of breaking one of the other features.

If you’re still with me, thanks for sticking with it. I hope to post a follow up to this after I am able to implement some more of my own advice.